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# 140 T+ ¿Donde se encuentra esta escultura?


  1. En la actualidad podemos encontrar a The Awakening (El despertar ) en National Harbor, ubicado en el condado de Prince George en el estado de Maryland, Estados Unidos, cabe destacar que este lugar no ha sido su emplazamiento original. Hasta febrero del 2008, durante 27 años, se mantuvo situado en el Parque Potomac del Punto de Hains, en Washington D.C., formando parte de la Exposición de Escultura de la Conferencia Internacional. Alexandra Lobo C.I. 20.425.610 1ro R CP

  2. WASHINGTON — “The Awakening,” J. Seward Johnson Jr.’s 15-foot-high sculpture of a giant struggling to emerge from the earth, is soon to leave a site near the National Mall that millions of tourists have visited since the work’s installation in 1980.

    Although it stood for 27 years on public parkland at Hains Point in the southwest section of the city, “The Awakening” did not belong to the National Park Service. It was the property of the Sculpture Foundation, a group that promotes public art. Mr. Johnson, of the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical family, gave the foundation a collection of his work to oversee.


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